Wow, so I realized today that I haven't really updated in almost a month. Not cool, Heather. Not cool.
So, Ellie turned 4 months old on May 5th!
Please pardon my drool - it's my new favorite accessory! |
We had her checkup on the 6th and she looks great! She weighed 12 lbs. 11 oz. and is 23.5 inches long. That puts her in the 20th and 14th percentiles, respectively. That's a lot of progress! The doctor is very pleased. She makes great eye contact, has excellent head control, and is sitting up with minimal support. All very excellent signs! She doesn't seem to care about toys right now (unless she's laying down and they are dangling down at her), but that's because she's content to just watch and observe things. Seriously, you should see her during the children's story time at church! Yes, I take her up front for the children's story. I didn't, but then one Sunday the pastor called her up by name, so I kind of had to go and she did so well that we've been going up ever since. Anyway, she will just sit on my lap and watch the person telling the story. If they go too long she will start to fuss a little, but for the most part she's really good.
She ALMOST rolls over from her back to her front. The doctor tells me it's unusual for a baby to try that one first (instead of front to back), but hey, she's never really been 'normal'. Here's some video of her trying...
...or not. I have a TON of video, but it's all on my desktop computer that is currently having major issues connecting to the internet. It's been giving me problems since we moved in here 6 months ago [wait, we've been living here SIX MONTHS?!] and I think I finally figured out that it's the wireless adapter. So I ordered a new one and hopefully it will be back up and running soon! Until then, here's a picture of Ellie attempting a roll-over...
In other news, I got to celebrate my first mother's day this year!
A Picture for Mommy and Grandma |
And a special picture for my Auntie and all the other Aunts out there, too! |
Technically I was working on becoming a mom last year, but I didn't know it yet, so I couldn't celebrate. It was weird actually, remembering how I felt that time last year. We've come so far in just 12 short months! Anyway, we went up to my parents' to visit for the day before Mother's Day and go to their church's Mother/Daughter banquet. The theme was 'Hats', so we all had to get dressed up and put our hats on! I think we looked pretty cute, but I'm kind of biased...
Grandma, Auntie, & Me |
Grandma, Mommy, and Me! I don't remember what I was so grumpy about! |
Ellie also had fun playing with some spoons from lunch...
Omnomnomnom! |
And helping Auntie with her guitar playing skills...
Wrong note, Auntie. I think you meant *this* string. |
Work has been going well for me, although it's crazy how much busier I feel with only a few hours each day taken up by it! But it feels good, too. I'm doing something productive, that I'm actually good at, and getting paid for it! Ellie came to work with me this past Tuesday and did a really great job! Usually Tuesdays are pretty slow around the church - it's the pastor's day off, there aren't any regular groups that meet, so it's just me and the custodian - so I figured it was a safe day to bring her. This Tuesday was not like that at all! There were quite a few drop-ins and the phone was ringing off the hook! Luckily, she tolerated it all really well until about 12:30. Then she was just ready for a change of scenery. But since I only work till 1, it wasn't that big of a deal.
We have had some warm, sunny days here lately, so we spent some time out on the deck...
Again with the drool. |
This past Friday night (after my grocery trip) we got to try some rice cereal for the very first time!
Daddy, help! What's going on?? |
This is slimy, I'm not really sure I like it. |
Oh wait, it's food?! Ok mom, shovel it in!! |
Other than that, life's just kind of being going along. Next weekend is going to be pretty full - Dad is coming down to help Andy open the pool while Mom, Ellie, Sis, and I are going to a farmer's/flea market for the day on Saturday. Then on Monday Andy and I both have the day off of work, so we are going to camp out in the basement and do some work unpacking boxes! There is a giant pile in the corner...
Maggie: Queen of the Basement! |
... that is supposed to be my craft corner. So we'll see just how much progress we can make toward getting all that sorted out! Most of the rest of the house is unpacked, so if we could finish off the basement, then I might feel like we actually live here. Also, decorating. One of the reasons that I REALLY wanted to buy a house (other than painting) is so that I could hang things on the walls. Now that we have one, I just don't have the creative/decorative energy to figure out where anything goes. So the walls are totally bare. We have curtains up in most of the rooms, but that's pretty much it. OH, we did put shelves up in the nursery. Which means I'm officially calling it done. Hey, I just realized that the nursery is DONE! Only 4 months after she moved into it! That's not too bad, right? Maybe someday soon I will get around to posting the final product. HA! I have about 6 or 7 posts started about different projects I've done and I just haven't had time to finish and post them. *sigh* Until then, I will try not to make you wait another month for an update!
See you soon, I hope! |