Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ups and Downs

The past two weeks have been so full of ups and downs for us.  I'm exhausted.  It's been so crazy I haven't even wanted to give updates, but now enough has happened that I just have to!  But first, a baby update . . .

We have reached 23 weeks this weekend!  I can hardly believe it.  Baby Girl is kicking and punching like a champ and Momma loves it!  Well, most of the time.  Sometimes, she gets me in some kind of organ that really hurts.  But it's still very encouraging.  Andy still hasn't been able to feel anything, which makes us kind of sad.  I swear she's strong enough that he should  be able to feel her, but she always stops moving as soon as he touches my stomach.  Even when I touch it, she stops.  It's very frustrating.  The internet tells me she's about the size of a grapefruit now, but I'm not so sure with how she was measuring a few weeks ago.  The other cool fact is that all of her facial features are fully developed now, so we should (hopefully) get some good pictures at our next scan!

Ok, on to the life updates . . .

First let's start with an up:
Andy is making terrific progress on the furniture for Baby Girl's room!  We have the glider that is completely done and sitting in the living room . . .

. . . And it's super comfortable too!  I actually use it a lot already.  Last week, the dresser was also fully completed . . .

The picture is bad because of the horrible lighting in our basement, but it really is pretty.  We painted the hardware oil-rubbed bronze and I think it looks really sharp against the Marshmallow White.  And then just this past week, he has been working on getting the wardrobe sanded down and ready to prime . . .

Again, horrible pictures because the lighting is just terrible, but you get the idea.  They were gorgeous pieces of furniture before, and I really like how they are turning out!

Last Friday afternoon, on my way home from work, my car completely died.  I made it onto our road, but not quite home, so I had to walk the rest of the way.  This in itself was very upsetting to me, seeing as how it was a hot day and I'm quite pregnant.  We had it towed to the mechanic, who was closed for the weekend and couldn't diagnose anything until Monday.  So on Monday we got a call saying that it was the alternator (which is a fairly expensive part) and it was located in between the engine and the dash, so there would be quite a bit of labor as well.  Between driving Andy's car (when he wasn't at work) and borrowing my Father-in-law's car, I was able to make it to work and all my other commitments for the week, but it wasn't enjoyable.  I'm used to driving my SUV, so driving around all these little cars all week long just drove me crazy - not to mention how hard it was to get in and out of them!  Anyway, my car came home on Thursday night, but the bill was $659 (which is a lot for us).  So we had to pull money from our budgeted areas for moving expenses and improving the new house once we move in.  It's frustrating to be doing so well on budgeting for upcoming expenses and then have to use it because an unforeseen circumstance arises.  We were proud though that we didn't have to dip into our savings for our down payment and closing costs, so that was a little bit of a silver lining to an otherwise cloudy event.

On Saturday (the day after my car broke down), my mom came down to take me shopping at some nearby outlets to get ideas for clothes for Baby Girl!  It was so much fun.  We were supposed to be just window shopping so that she could get a feel for my taste in baby clothes and stuff like that, but we ended up walking away with a few adorable outfits that were just too cute to leave at the store.  I love that even though we moved away from my parents last fall, they still live close enough to come visit like that on a semi-regular basis.  It also made me so excited for the baby to be here so I can dress her up and snuggle her all day long :-)

Monday evening, I had to work.  That, in itself, is not really too big of a down.  However.  This particular retail job requires that I do a lot of straightening of the store.  I go around and put things away, straighten the items on the shelves, pull things forward, etc.  It ends up being a lot of getting up and down off the floor to reach the bottom shelves.  At 8:59 (we close at 9:00) I stood up from kneeling on the floor, and my pants ripped right out.  The new girl that I was training thought it was just hilarious, but I wasn't so amused.  Here's what I had to walk around in the rest of the night . . . 

Yeah.  Luckily, we were only there for another hour finishing things up and my t-shirt was just long enough to pull down over it.  Now, if you've ever been pregnant, you probably know this already, but those of you who haven't, let me make this very clear:  Maternity clothes are flipping expensive.  Seriously.  They cost just as much (if not more) than regular clothes, but they NEVER go on sale.  So when I found some on clearance at target for 50% off, I snatched up two identical pairs right away.  When I was wearing them, though, it felt like one pair was a half-size smaller than the other.  Not enough to be uncomfortable, just enough so that I could tell the difference between two otherwise identical pairs of jeans.  I guess the tight pair got just a little too tight on Monday night.  I now only own one pair of jeans and a pair of capris.  The weather has cooled down sufficiently that the capris are officially out of season.  So I have one pair of pants to wear to work and no money to go buy more because all our money just went into my car.  I guess I will start saving my pennies and hopefully be able to get a second pair in a few weeks.  It just feels ridiculous to only own one pair of jeans, but I guess that's the way life goes!

This is the big one.  This past Friday, I was in the music room and my phone chimed letting me know I had a voicemail.  Our cell phones don't get great reception in our house (because of the tin siding, we think) so it never rang, but the voicemail was very surprising!  It was our Realtor, Janet.  She's been awesome, by the way.  If any of you are ever looking for a house in my area, let me know and I will get you hooked up with her.  Anyway, she called to say that we heard back from the mysterious investor that was the last piece to the puzzle.  They wanted us to change something.  Andy got home and she called and actually talked to him and it turns out that they will approve it if we push our closing date back (from October 19th) to on or before November 9th!  Of course, we said yes to that and went right out and signed the papers agreeing to it.  So we don't have all the paperwork from the banks and such yet, but we DO have a closing date SET for no later than November 9th!  It will take another week or so to get the rest of the paperwork in and then we will file the actual mortgage application and schedule the inspection and really get the ball rolling.  The best part, for me, is that I know we will have the keys by November 9th.  No more waiting and wondering.  It's time to start packing.  Well, we decided I could wait until the beginning of October to start that so that I have a week to just enjoy this good news and get mentally prepared.  The only drawback is that now yesterday was the first day of Autumn and I don't get to put out any of my fall decorations.  But I'll take it if it means I get to put up the Christmas tree in a house that we own!  I just feel so excited and so relieved.  This is really, finally, happening.  And just in time too, because I was starting to feel antsy about getting the nursery set up :-)

I have mixed feelings about this next one because it hasn't happened yet.  On the 27th, we will go in to the specialist for the scan to see why Baby Girl was measuring so small.  I've been really hungry this week, so I hope she was just a little behind and will have caught up by then.  Andy can't get the day off to go with me, so my amazing Mom is coming down so I don't have to go alone.  I'm not really worried, I just don't like having to wait so long to find out.  Luckily, a doctor should actually perform the scan and be able to tell us something right away, so that cuts down on the waiting quite a bit.  Anyway, just please keep us in your prayers this week for good reports, calm nerves, and a cooperative baby!  

(Also, I told Andy that we need to agree on a name for her before I go in for this appointment, so hopefully that announcement should be coming very soon as well!)

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