Saturday, December 8, 2012

34 Weeks and The Nursery Goes Green!

Hey there!  Things have been super crazy around here trying to get things unpacked/fixed up/organized before Ellie arrives in just a few short weeks.  Here's a quick update . . .

We are 34 weeks today!  Every day she's getting bigger and stronger - trust me, I can tell!  We will get measured again on Monday and see how much weight she's gained, but the OB said this week that I've gained several pounds, so hopefully some of that was her, too!  All of my recent tests and checkups have been going well, so there's really nothing to report on that front.  AND we have our very last baby class on Monday night.  Apparently after that we will be ready to be parents?  I don't know.  Andy's probably a little more nervous about it than I am, even though we both have pretty much the same amount of experience in the baby department.  In last week's class, he was asked if he had ever bathed a baby before.  Of course he hasn't, but he HAS bathed a cat, so it really can't be much harder than that!!  The only way to really learn how to take care of your baby is to have one and have to take care of it, right?  So we'll be fine, I'm sure.

In other news, the nursery has undergone an EXTREME transformation this week!  It went from looking like this . . .

. . . to looking like THIS!

Isn't it cute?!  Ok, so it's still pretty incomplete, but it's major progress!  My father-in-law thinks we should have pained it a 'nice, light lavender' instead of the green, but what does he know ;-)  I think it's beautiful!  We have also put up the crib, but found a defect in one of the pieces, so we had to take it back down to try and return it.  It's purely cosmetic and we're pretty sure that Andy can actually just paint over it if they won't take it back (we're past the 90 day return window), but we're going to try exchanging it first.  Drama drama drama.  

We did get the mattress ordered, so that should arrive sometime this week - and hopefully we will soon have a crib to put it in!  AND, I washed a whole bunch of baby clothes this week and got the diaper bag all packed with her coming-home outfit!  We also have the car seat bases installed in both of our vehicles.  It feels good to be a little bit prepared, since I know that practically any time I go to the doctor, there's a chance of having a baby that day.  Next up, assemble the hospital bag as much as we can and finish up with the nursery.  If we can get all that done before Christmas, I will feel great!  Speaking of which, I really need to put up our tree and get out the other Christmas decorations!  And maybe I should consider doing a little shopping for my family.  Hmmm.  I guess there's more to do than I thought!  I better go get started!!  I'll update again next week with more nursery pictures and the results of our growth scan on Monday :-)

PS - Here's an updated belly picture for you - taken after Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. Heather - you look adorable! :D (And I love the color of the nursery!)

  2. I like the nursery color will look so cute with the jungle animals.
    Cute picture of you also.
    Aunt Carlene
