Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1 Month Checkup!

Ellie turned one month old yesterday!  We've survived a whole month!  Yay us!  Not gonna lie, I was so proud of us that I went to the grocery store and bought some ice cream to celebrate :-) 

So yesterday was also our big one month checkup at the doctor.  Andy had to work, so it was just Ellie and me.  It was the first time I had her out by myself, so it was a bit of a challenge, but not too bad.  Everything just takes three times as long.  Anyway . . . 

She got a GREAT review from the doctor!  She now weighs a whopping 7 pounds 2 ounces!  That's up almost 2 pounds in 2 weeks.  I'm pretty sure I read something somewhere that said little girls should gain an average of an ounce a day, which would be roughly ONE pound every 2 weeks.  I guess she didn't get the memo.  She's also 19.5 inches long now, which is up a full inch since our last visit.  No wonder her clothes are fitting better!  So the doctor was very impressed with her growth.  I didn't realize until later that she has just now, after a month, reached the average size of a newborn girl.  So yeah, we're all very pleased with that!  Heart and lungs sound great and her head is nice and round - basically she looks just perfect.

She has had a diaper rash that cleared up well with cream, but there were some small spots that were still really irritated and didn't seem to be getting better with the cream.  It wasn't a normal looking rash in those spots, so I made sure to have the doctor look at it.  Turns out that it probably has a little bit of a bacterial infection in there and that's why it's not healing up.  So along with the doctor's office and the grocery store, we had to make a trip to the pharmacy as well!  Busy day for little girl!  So hopefully this topical antibiotic that we got will clear it up.  I think that's why she screams at every diaper change - it just looks so sore!

And she got her second Hepatitis B shot at the very end.  It was a little scary since I wasn't there for the first one (they did it in the nursery at the hospital), but we both got through it.  She cried while the shot was actually happening, but as soon as the bandaid was on, she was perfectly fine.  What a trooper :-) 

We also got the all-clear to go back to church (yay!) and other public places and even have visitors.  We still have to use good sense with making sure everyone who touches her washes their hands first because, let's face it, it's still cold and flu season.  But she's growing big and strong and doing great, so we don't have to be hermits and stay shut up in the house anymore!  Super excited about that!

The nursery is still not quite done.  But it's getting closer every day.  I promise you'll get to see the final product soon.

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, Ellie has a very special message she'd like to send out to her Grandpa today . . . 

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