Ellie-bear turned 5 months old on June 5th! Crazy! She is growing and developing by leaps and bounds now. There is NO slowing her down!
A bit of a more realistic view of what goes on all the time! |
A few weeks back, she came down with her first ever cold. Then I got it. Andy didn't believe me that I was getting sick, so he insisted on giving me a goodbye kiss before he left for work. Guess what? He got it, too. So for about a week, we were all just miserable. We even skipped church one Sunday, which for us is a pretty big deal. Ellie and Andy recovered just fine, while my cold turned into some mild bronchitis. I had a teensy fever and was constantly coughing up all sorts of unspeakable things. But the fever wasn't bad enough to go to the doctor for - they would have laughed at me for even calling it that. And the great and mighty internet told me that they no longer like to prescribe antibiotics for bronchitis, as it is usually viral, not bacterial. So they probably wouldn't have done anything for me anyway. I suffered through it and am just NOW, over 2 weeks later, finally almost done coughing. Whew.
Wearing red for Pentecost Sunday! |
Ellie also decided that this was a good time to start rolling over! Two Monday's ago (that was June 3rd, I believe), I picked her up from the babysitter's and she told me that she had laid her on her back on a blanket in the middle of the floor with nothing dangerous around her and went to the bathroom. When she came back a minute later, she was magically on her tummy! I was so proud! Although I did feel a little bad that she scared the babysitter so badly. We came right home and I laid her down and she did it again! She hasn't stopped since. Which means she also hasn't slept through the might since. She always gets squirmy in the middle of the night and it used to be that she would just wiggle herself around and get her head down at the foot of the bed or something. Well now she wiggles and rolls herself over on her tummy and then gets stuck. She can roll from her tummy to her back. She just doesn't remember that she can do it. So she's stuck and calls for help. I go in and flip her back over, but now she's awake enough that she realizes that she's hungry and needs a little snack in order to fall back to sleep. It doesn't keep me up for very long, but any mom will tell you that it doesn't take much of an interruption to throw off the whole night. Instead of getting 7 hours of sleep, I get a three hour nap, a half hour of being awake, and another three hour nap. It's exhausting. The only consolation is that I've been able to get her to nap IN HER CRIB in the afternoons! We get home from the babysitter's and I feed her and then wrap her up in her swaddle and lay her down and she sleeps for 2-3 hours! It's a beautiful thing. I could use the time to get a little more work done around the house (or update the blog!), but mostly I've been taking the opportunity to catch up on the sleep I've been missing out on at night. Oh well.
Ellie's also making lots of good progress toward sitting independently. She doesn't really want to, though. She just wants to STAND! She grins and giggles any time you stand her up. She'll hold your fingers for balance, but she supports herself all on her own. It started out as a way to distract her during a meltdown and now she's hooked on it. I'm a little nervous as to how quickly she's going to just stand up and run away. I'm hoping she decides to crawl first to give us some warning! Our babysitter's daughter (who is now 4) apparently never crawled. She just went from sitting to standing to walking. Uh-oh.
Maggie is still not sure how she feels about this new bald thing in her house. |
We opened the pool over Memorial Day weekend (even though we were sick!) and we've gotten to use it a whopping one time since then. The temperature outside just hasn't been consistently high enough to warm up the water. And then when it did get warm, it rained and cooled it back down. Oh well, we'll get in again before the summer is over, I'm sure! Ellie was kind of 'blah' about her first time in the pool. She just sat in her floaty and chilled while I pushed her around. At least she didn't scream! And she looked SO CUTE in her little swim suit!
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Mommy and Me swimming! |
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Just chillin' in my floaty. |
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Drying off snuggles! |
We thought she was going to get some teeth here a few weeks ago, but that turned out to be a false alarm. Well, not quite. You can definitely see them right under the gum, they just haven't pushed through yet and now they've taken a little break. A week of a screaming, teething baby and I thought I was going to get to see some teeth! But that was only HALF of it! Oh my.
I'm a bunny - I munch munch munch on LEAVES! |
Mom and Dad came down last weekend and Mom, Ellie & I went to our favorite thrift store and a baby consignment store that we'd not been to before. Well the consignment store had a lot of nice things, but still priced more than I like to pay. We found her a cute pair of shoes for the fall, though! The thrift store turned out much better. I just have to brag here for a second. When you have a day this good, you have to share it! I went in looking for some summer clothes for Ellie that would fit her NOW. See, all of her summer clothes are size 6 or 9 months and she's still in the 3 month size in almost everything. And it's summer here. Not every day, but most days. And the poor kid only had 2 dresses and 1 romper that fit. So to the thrift store we went. As soon as we walked in the door, we saw a walker for her like I've been looking for. The church doesn't have a walker or jumper at all and I felt like it would be really handy to have there for when I need to bring her to work with me. Well, it's nothing fancy, and it needed cleaned up, but $4 is totally in my price range! Then onto the clothing racks... I got her 4 outfits (2 dresses and 2 rompers) and then moved on to the mommy section. (On the way, we found a bumbo chair for her for only $3! She's been LOVING that one!) My pre-pregnancy clothes fit in most areas - except my boobs. I never, EVER thought I'd complain about this, but they're just too big for my clothes right now. And I need to look semi-nice for work, so I can't just wear the same t-shirts every week. Well I found 4 really nice shirts for myself that fit me now and I think will continue to fit me in the future, too! Since we were on such a roll, we decided to go look for some work shirts for Andy. He spends a lot of time out in the field assessing sites that he's issuing permits for, so he likes the golf-style polos that are really light weight but they still look nice. Well, we found him one for $.99! It was amazing! So all told, I spent around $33 and got 4 outfits for Ellie, 4 shirts for me, 1 shirt for Andy, a walker, and a bumbo. Seriously, that's a pretty darn good trip to the thrift store! And I am NOT embarrassed to brag about it!
Wearing our new 'thrifty' outfits! |
Andy and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this week (the 13th). Nothing too exciting, since I had lessons that evening. We did enjoy some super yummy chocolate cake with peanutbutter frosting like our wedding cake. That was nice. Maybe next week we'll go out to dinner or something, who knows.
This coming weekend, my dad is coming down and we are doing something special for him for Father's Day. I can't tell you any details because he reads this, but I will say that it is NOT the same thing he got last year! I've seriously been having nightmares about that, but that's a post for another day, haha! Anyway, I'll share our Father's Day fun with you next week. Promise :-)
Grandpa LOVES dancing to the music I play him on my foot-piano! |
Very nice post, I think your thrift store purchases are really cool. I just love shopping at thrift stores. Ellie is growing so fast. :)Aunt Carlene
ReplyDeletethe little purple dress fits her so nicely.....love your top too.....what a great day at Community Aid :)