Over the winter, Andy decided that we just HAD to have a garden this summer. He thought and planned and bought all sorts of seeds and picked out the perfect spot in the yard for a nice little garden. And then when he went to borrow the tiller from his dad, he said, "Why not just have it here??" My Father-in-Law has a wonderfully huge lot (almost 5 acres, though most of it is wooded) out in the country just 5 minutes away. He's got lots (and LOTS) of gardening experience. He's retired, so he's got time on his hands to help out in return for a share of the produce. But he's also got a habit of going way overboard when it comes to food. He grew up in a very large family, and still doesn't know how to cook for any less than 15. It's great for church meals and holidays - not so great when it's just the four of us sitting down to dinner! Well at least we always end up with leftovers, so we don't complain too much. And so the garden project grew. And it grew and grew and grew. Andy and Ellie usually go over to help take care of it on Tuesday nights, but they really wanted me to finally come see it, so last weekend we made an evening of it...
Here's a distance shot of the garden...
Look at all that glorious corn! My freezer is going to be STOCKED this winter! |
Whatchya lookin' at? |
Oooh, the world's tiniest watermelon! |
Pumpkin bud. |
One of Ellie's favorite pasttimes at Grampy's house is chasing bunnies.
Like I said, his property is mostly wooded, so he's got lots and lots of wildlife. And with a garden like that, there's NO shortage of adorable little bunny rabbits. One night she even stumbled upon a nest of babies!
Grampy's also got quite the green thumb for flowers! |
As the sun went down, we decided to try some firefly catching...
Feelin' pretty excited about the hunt! |
Eventually she got so good that the fireflies were catching HER! |
So proud of her catch! Don't worry, we let them go when we got home. |
Hope your summer is shaping up as nicely as ours is!
PS - here's a sneak peek of my next DIY project....
Your garden looks great and Ellie is so cute :) Isn't it wonderful to have a place for her to run and play with nature. The kids are having fun with lightening bugs also at our place.