Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What We've Been Up To...

So it's been a while, huh?  Well, here's how our daily schedule has been going...

8:15 pm - feed Ellie
8:30 pm - get Ellie to stop crying for no apparent reason other than she is tired and hungry
8:45 pm - feed Ellie
9:00 pm - lay Ellie down in bed and creep silently out of the room, hoping that your knee doesn't crack and wake her up.
9:05 pm - flop on the couch with a snack and decide to watch a show with hubs, even though you know you should just go to bed right now
9:30 pm - brush teeth, wash face, yada yada yada...
10:00  pm - collapse in bed and pray for sleep to take you quickly
10:30 pm - get up, feed Ellie
12:00 am - wake up from falling asleep on the couch while feeding Ellie and take her back to bed
12:02 am - collapse in bed and steal some covers back from hubs, who is hogging them all
12:37 am - get up, feed Ellie
1:30 am - wake up from falling asleep on the couch while feeding Ellie and take her back to bed
1:32 am - collapse in bed and cry because you've missed your pillow so darn much
4:00 am - get up, feed Ellie
4:15 am - take Ellie back to bed
4:17 am - get one foot in bed and then hear Ellie screaming
4:18 am - pick Ellie up and watch her fall immediately back to sleep
4:19 am - lay Ellie back down
4:20 am - hear Ellie start screaming before you've even opened your bedroom door
4:21 am - pick Ellie up and watch her fall immediately back to sleep
4:22 am - lay Ellie back down
4:22.5 am - hear Ellie start screaming before you've even taken your hands away from her body
4:23 am - pick Ellie up and watch her fall immediately back to sleep
4:24 am - curse quietly under your breath and head out to the couch.  again.
4:25 am - feed Ellie
5:00 am - take Ellie back to bed now that she is actually, really, finally asleep
5:02 am - collapse in bed and remind yourself to let hubby have it later when he complains about being tired after work
5:30 am - hubby's alarm clock goes off
5:31 am - wonder why he has to have it ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM and vow to END HIM if it wakes Ellie.
6:00 am - realize you actually fell asleep when loving, wonderful hubby comes to wake you up as he's leaving because you've got to get ready for work too
6:02 am - get a drink of water from the kitchen
6:03 am - floorboard squeaks in the hall way
6:04 am - hear Ellie start screaming
6:05 am - walk in and find a suddenly happy and smiling little girl, totally ready to start her day
6:10 am - go through your morning routine while simultaneously keeping Ellie entertained
8:30 am - rush out the door to drop Ellie off at the babysitter
9:05 am - show up 5 minutes late to work
1:00 pm - leave work
1:15 pm - pick up a fussy Ellie from the babysitter
1:30 pm - get home and feed Ellie
2:00 pm - lay Ellie down for her afternoon nap
2:01 pm - race to change into "house clothes" (aka yoga pants and a tank top) and crawl into your comfy bed for some sweet, sweet sleep
2:03 pm - close eyes and take a deep breath
2:20 pm - get up, feed Ellie
3:00 pm - try not to cry when Ellie giggles as soon as you lay her down to finish her nap
3:01 pm - utterly give up for the day and plop both of you in front of the tv until hubs gets home
4:15 pm - hubs gets home and promptly asks what's for dinner
4:16 pm - refrain from telling him that he can eat whatever he effing makes and instead smile sweetly and ask what he would like
4:17 pm - refrain from punching him in the face for not having any ideas of what you're supposed to cook him
4:18 pm - throw a frozen pizza in the oven
4:19 pm - sweetly tell hubs it is HIS TURN to watch HIS DAUGHTER for a little while
4:20 pm - go to the bathroom for only the second time today
4:45 pm - get dinner out of the oven
4:46 pm - feed Ellie
5:20 pm - eat a cold dinner
5:30 pm - continue the routine of trying to entertain Ellie, who is so very tired but still REFUSES to sleep
6:30 pm - feed Ellie
7:00 pm - watch as hubs magically gets Ellie to fall asleep on his chest
7:01 pm - cater to his every need as he complains that he is now 'stuck' under the baby
7:30 pm - Ellie magically wakes up on her own
7:31 pm - contemplate giving Ellie a bath, but then realize you're far too tired for that and decide to wipe her down with a washcloth instead
7:55 pm - get Ellie ready for bed, enduring her screaming at you for daring to put clothes back on her
8:15 pm - feed Ellie
*start over from the top*


So that's why I've been quiet lately.  No time.  No energy.  Nothing terribly interesting to report.  You know the drill.

Next week, Ellie turns 7 months and will *hopefully* be back to a little bit of a more reasonable routine.  You know, maybe only waking up once during the night?  I've totally given up hope of ever sleeping THROUGH the night again.  I'd settle for just getting up once.  Really, I would.

Also, next week we are taking Little Miss on her first 'outing'!  I'm really excited about it, but I'm hoping she's in a better mood or it's just going to be a waste of a day.  Hopefully we'll get some nice pictures and I'll have all sorts of time and energy to give you a nice blog post all about it.  If you don't hear anything, just assume I'm hiding under my bed and trying to pretend I don't hear the screaming.

And by the way, I know I pick on my hubby, but he really is wonderful and does help out a lot.  Something about this sleep deprivation though just makes me really loathe him.  I see him and I want to punch him in the face.  I don't know why.  Anyone else go through that??  I wasn't this mood-swingy when I was pregnant, but now ... look out!  Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.  Maybe you could come over and cry it out with Ellie.

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