Monday, April 21, 2014

Something New!

So, a little while ago, my friend Heidi from over at Heidi's Head (who I actually know in real life, too) sent me a message and told me about a cool new thing that I might be interested in.  There's this company called Zondervan.  You may have heard of them before because they publish LOTS of Bibles, Christian fiction and non-fiction, Devotionals, etc.  Basically, if you've ever been in a Christian Bookstore, you've probably seen their logo somewhere.  Anyway, their team of reviewers is called the Z Blog Squad and they were looking for parents of young kids to sign up to review children's books.  No offense to Heidi, but how is there any way that I could NOT be interested in doing that?!

Let's see: I'm a parent of a young child.  I love books.  I'm crazy opinionated.  And I'm kind of obnoxious about making sure everyone knows how I feel about pretty much everything.  Yep, sounds like a good fit to me!

So, I emailed the guy, thinking that it probably wouldn't pan out or something.  But apparently that Heidi has some really good connections because I got in!  So, I picked out my first couple books to review and then waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And then, finally, last week, this arrived at my door....

... my books!  I read them both right away, but then Holy Week hit and between being an active participant in all of our church activities and actually working for said church, I was swamped.  But now Holy Week is over (Hallelujah for more than one reason!) and I can proceed with my regularly scheduled programming.  So, be looking for some fun book reviews, as well as more pinterest reviews, coming soon!  Oh, and an update about Ellie's super fun second Easter!

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