Tuesday, August 7, 2012

16 Weeks and a Dr. Appointment

First things first ... woke up this morning with a cold.  Uuugggghhhh.  I'm allowed to take tylenol cold and sinus, but all we have in the house is the PM version, so I guess I'll just have to suffer through it until I head out to work this evening.  I was planning on getting you a belly picture today, but there's just something about a head cold that makes one completely un-photograph-able, so it will have to wait a few more days.  Stay tuned, it's coming, I promise!

In other news, we turned 16 weeks on Saturday!  Still not feeling any movements, but my belly is definitely getting bigger!  I have fully switched over to maternity pants.  They're a bit big still, meaning I am always pulling them up, but my regular jeans were just too tight.  It was way too difficult to crouch down or bend over to get anything off the floor or the bottom shelves at work.  So I had to make the switch.  The Bump.com tells me that baby is the size of an avocado!  That's about 4.6 inches long and 3.5 tiny ounces.  And, my favorite part, the bones in his or her ears are forming, so he or she will soon be able to hear my voice!

And that brings me up to my doctor's appointment yesterday.  I really liked this particular Dr. that I saw.  There's still three at the practice that I haven't met yet, but so far this one is my favorite.  First the nurse came in with the Doppler and listened for the heartbeat.  I guess where that particular exam room was located (right next to the waiting room) they frequently experience interference with the Doppler machine.  It's a good thing she warned me about that in advance because no sooner did she find the hearbeat, than the radio started playing.  Yep, there was a heartbeat AND music coming from my uterus.  I couldn't stop giggling.  Still beating out a healthy 160.  Not that I have any comparison, but he or she seems to be sitting awfully low down too.  At least they had to hunt awfully low to find the heart beat!  Anyway, I don't know what that means or if I buy into any of the wives tales that are out there, but I figured I should  keep you filled in.

The doctor said that I actually lost the pound I had gained for my last appointment, so I'm back down to my starting weight.  I thought that was a bad thing, but she measured my belly and said I was measuring right on for 16 weeks, so there's nothing to be concerned about!  Everything seems to be going great and we were able to schedule my 20 week ultrasound, which will be done by the same doctor that I saw.  Unfortunately we have to wait until September 6th to have it done.  Darn 20 weeks falling on Labor Day Weekend!  So we have 4 weeks and 2 days until we find out if we have a boy or a girl, unless baby decides to be stubborn, which, knowing his or her parents, is a distinct possibility!  It's going to be a long 4 weeks.

Speaking of the ultrasound, they gave me some very specific instructions for how I have to prepare for the procedure.  Starting an hour before the appointment, I have to drink 6 (8 oz.) glasses of water, finishing within a half hour.  So that's 48 fluid ounces down in 30 minutes or less.  Then I have to climb in the car and take the bumpy ride into town where I will, no doubt, sit in the waiting room for several minutes after my appointment time before they take me back and assault my belly with cold, slimy gel and then an HOUR'S worth of prodding with the ultrasound wand.  Oh, and I'm not allowed to use the bathroom AT ALL until after the whole thing is over.  Let me tell you, if I drink even 20 ounces of water, it leaves my body in less than 2 hours.  I cannot imagine what will happen with 48.  I wonder if they realize that I'm going to pee my pants?  I wonder if other people have?  I haven't heard of anyone else having to go to such great lengths to prepare for a simple ultrasound.  What did you have to do to get ready?

1 comment:

  1. I know it's been a LONG time ago, but yes I had to drink a similar amount but about 1/2 way through the ultra-sound they let me go to the bathroom, which just makes room in your bladder for more fluid. I remember after the ultra-sound we went to a movie and driving from Chambersburg Hospital to the Mall I could hardly keep from wetting myself. It's just all part of the journey, you'll do fine, just be honest with them if you really need to go - Enjoy!!! p.s. I don't think I drank all they told me to with Andrea, and it didn't make a difference :)
