So we celebrated 17 weeks on Saturday! Here come the stats . . . Baby is supposedly the size of an onion and is 5.1 inches long and weighs 5.9 ounces. Getting closer to a whole half-pound! They say that I have supposedly gained 5-10 pounds by now, but that's very not true. Baby's biggest development is that his or her bones are starting to ossify, meaning that they're turning from cartilage to actual bone! We're a little more than 3 weeks out from our 20 week appointment to find out if Baby is a boy or a girl. I'm getting more and more antsy. But I guess that's pretty normal.
Andy's working hard on getting the furniture all painted for the nursery, but more on that another day
Saturday morning I woke up and, magically, there was my belly, all bumped out! Sunday it felt even bigger. I was trying to describe it to Andy, but I'm not sure I did a very good job. I now actually feel fat. Not fat, really, but like I ate a huge meal and my belly is all full and stretched tight. It's just an odd sensation. Still not feeling any definite movements yet, but I'm hoping that will come soon with the increase in size. Also, I've been a bit hungrier the past two days or so. I've even been having dreams about the different foods I'd like to eat! So I might start packing on the pounds here pretty soon after all. Not that that's a bad thing. Just so long as Baby keeps getting bigger and stronger and healthier, I'm good :-)
Left: The day the Dr. called and told us it was really true, roughly 6.5 wks. Right: Saturday afternoon, 17 wks. |
In other news, we were supposed to go on a mini-vacation this past weekend to North Carolina to visit Andy's aunt and uncle and also spend some time at the beach. Unfortunately, we had to cancel because his car went in to get some bearings replaced on Monday and the mechanic happened to notice that his front breaks were worn completely down to the metal! So that tripled our bill, making going to the beach just financially irresponsible with having a baby and buying a house coming up in the next 5 months or so. Anyway, we stayed home this weekend, but still had fun.
We got to go out on a date on Saturday night, which is a real treat for us. We went mini-golfing and had ice cream and it was so much fun! I pretty much giggled the entire time. It's kind of hard to mini-golf around a baby bump though. I'm pretty sure that's why I lost 52 to 59. Oh well, it was still a really fun night out with my Hunny.
Mini-Golfing scenery - so pretty!! |
Me + My Hunny
(sorry I cut your head off!) |
Then yesterday, the youth group that we help with had a pool party at the home of one of the church members. I know I'm clearly not a youth anymore, but I just love hanging out with them! We swam and played games and I kicked some butt at Ladder Ball. This youth group currently only meets once a month, which makes me kind of sad. It's at a strange time too, so it's difficult for the kids to invite their friends. I'm hoping that once we buy our house and get settled in a bit, we can have them over semi-regularly and that might help the group to flourish a bit. Maybe that's a bit of a lofty goal - moving in, getting settled, having the baby, hanging out with youth - but Andy and I both really want to see this group thrive and grow and are so excited to finally have a home to open to them.
Swimming - Ganache (the dog) just adored surfing on this raft with me! |
Ok, enough rambling for one day. Stay tuned for a post later this week about all the progress that's being made on the nursery!
Hi Baby bump, hope to see you Saturday!
ReplyDeleteGrandma :)
Heather! You look so adorable! :D And very happy!
ReplyDeleteSo exciting! <3
So excited for you!! As far as the movement goes, try waiting until you have a fuller bladder, and lay on your back. Or just lay on your back, and wait. Around bed time is best, or when you wake up. You should be able to feel little rolling movements that may even be visible at times. If not, you may have an anterior placenta (where its attached to the front wall of your uterus) that might disguise baby's movements. That's how mine is. Sooner or later, you'll feel the rolling and kicking! Love the posts, and good luck!!